Friday, March 5, 2010

Working on Immigration Reform

President Obama discussed an effort to work on an immigration reform with Republican senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic senator Charles E. Schumer. Obama is planning to work on reviving the nation's immigration laws since he has already postponed such plan before. He discussed the issue privately with his staff hoping to advance a bill through Congress before the midterm elections. In the meeting Obama and members of his Domestic Policy Council discussed ways to invigorate the effort in the meeting with both senators who have both been working for months to create a bill. The White House may ask both senators to at least come up with a blueprint that could be turned into legislative language sometime after. The bill would include a way for for the 10.8 million people who are living here illegally to eventually become citizens. But citizenship wouldn't be easily granted because undocumented workers would need to register, pay taxes and pay a certain penalty for violating immigration laws, if they fail to comply they might face deportation. The bill would also include improved border security. Supporters of an immigration overhaul are pleased that Obama hasn't abandoned the effort to do something about immigration but they expect Obama to take a more assertive approach instead of leaving it up to Congress. Supporters believe that a proposal must be made by April or May to actually have a chance of passing this year. Republicans are unlikely to provide support for such a bill as Sen. Schumer pointed out that it's hard to find republican supporters.


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