Thursday, October 8, 2009

Never Ending War

President Obama's war council is planning a new role for Pakistan in the 8 year war against al-Qaida, after concluding that there is no way the US can win in Afghanistan or succeed in the war against al-Qaida without the cooperation of Pakistan. President Obama planned many meetings with Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to discuss the "unpopular" war in Afghanistan, including a meeting on Friday where they might finally decide how many more troops would be needed to fight in this war after many more troops were requested by Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the number isn't exactly known, but it is estimated to range from 10,000 to 40,000 combat troops. A senior pentagon believes that the Obama administration's delay in deciding on a strategy for the war has caused European allies to postpone deciding how much more money should be provided for the war. Obama's national security team marked the 8th year anniversary with a three-hour session in the White House basement. Obama and his aides are proud of recent successes against al-Qaida through targeted missile strikes and raids in Pakistan and elsewhere; he believes that as a result, al-Qaida has "lost operational capacity." The Pakistani government has demonstrated a new willingness to fight extremists, but these operations are causing problems and controversy throughout Pakistan. Gen. McChrystal's request for additional troops will determine what the Obama administration decides and what happens next.


Rose said...

The President has strong power over the war but instead of placing that power on the war he should be thinking of going back to the U.S.'s problems. I know the U.S. wants to help other third-world countries but no one takes into consideration that it might end up as another cold war. Many people will go against issues like these and end up people having sit ins and other issues tending to overlap one another. But I know many are losing hope since they want their problems to be solved immediately.

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